Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Big Day

After months of planning and help from many friends, this coming Sunday will be a day to remember. The amount of talent that will be heard at the Sandisfield Arts Center is staggering. I am so lucky to know these amazing people to whom music is as important as it is to me.

The Ferris Burtis Benefit Concert will bring into this 1840 building that was first a Methodist Church and later a Jewish Synagogue, a program of fabulous music. Yevgeny Kutik, Tim Bozarth, Brunilda Myftaraj, Melissa Morgan, and Igor Lovchinsky are giving their wonderful talents to reinforce the importance of classical music in life.

My deepest thanks also goes to the board of the Sandisfield Arts Center and especially to Sheila Liberson and Susie Crofut who have been a great help to me in this project. Maeve O'Dea of the Berkshire Taconic Foundation, which manages our Foundation, has been invaluable in the planning and execution of this project.

I also appreciate the many gifts made by friends and strangers through reservations. Special thanks to those who gave generously beyond the price of admission.All of the monies received will go to further the education and careers of fine young musical artists.

As we spread the scope of the Burtis Ferris Foundation, we obviously need to have more money with which to work. This concert has gone a long way in helping this become a reality.

In addition to continuing to help Yevgeny and the Elektra Ensemble, we are now helping talented, young 'cellist Julian Müller with his college education. He represents the next generation of young musicians who will replace old fogies like me! 

While it is wonderful that we have great performers like Yoyo Ma, Peter Serkin, and the rest, it is up to us to ensure that the future of the world does not become some sort of mechanical-music-oriented
place. There is absolutely nothing like live music. We are trying to keep it healthy.

Therefore, although this concert is in a small hall in a small town, it is a piece of our future. These young musicians are the future.

The Ferris Burtis Music Foundation always welcomes gifts from like-thinking people.
Ferris Burtis Foundation
Berkshire Taconic Foundation
800 North Main Street
Sheffield, MA 01257-0400

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