Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thank you for your support!

I want to thank everyone who attended Sunday's Ferris Burtis Music Foundation concert at the Sandisfield Arts Center. I also want to thank the board of the Arts Center for giving us the use of the building, which has been recently refurbished.

Julian Muller, 'cellist, Gabriella Makuc, pianist, Katie Weiser, soprano, and Yevgeny Kutik, violinist are the musicians we are helping at present. Accompanists for the concert were Jerry Noble, Tim Bozarth, and myself.

Gifts are always welcome. Send a tax exempt gift to Ferris Burtis Foundation, Berkshire Taconic Foundation, 800 North Main Street, Sheffield, MA, 01257.

I am happy to say that we raised $1392.00 at the door which will go towards the education and careers of these talented young musicians. Many thanks to those of you who made larger gifts for this cause.

Julian Muller

Gabi Makuc

 Katie Weiser and Jerry Noble             Yevgeny Kutik